The (variable) metallic twick of the European Starling (Nov, NJ).
The flight call is a growling trill, birds taking flight from a roost, with twick calls (Jan, NJ).
Starlings are often heard making this call from the tops of trees during the colder months (Nov, PA).
Another common call is a harsh rattle (Feb, PA).
Several birds high in a tree using these calls and whistling sounds in a song-like sequence (Jan, PA).
"flight" calls
Same birds, with mimicry of Fish Crow at 9s and American Kestrel at 10s.
Alarm call at nest (May, PA)
The Starlings in my neighborhood make such an incredible variety of sounds that I never get tired of listening to them. Everything from pops and clicks and whistles to scraps of melody and even imitations of other birds calls. (We have a lot of chickadees in this area, and I've heard "chickadee" calls that sounded suspiciously like Starlings). Sometimes it seems like there's a whole flock of birds outside, and I go out and listen for a minute and I realize its just one or two Starlings. They're range is incredible.