Saturday, April 17

Old World Warblers

The Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler are nearly identical in appearance, but are easily separated by their songs.

Chiffchaff (Apr, Herts).

Willow Warbler (May, Cumbria, 1979).

The third Phylloscopus warbler, the Wood Warbler, has two different song types (June, Suffolk, 1979).

The Blackcap and Garden Warbler are closely related species. The Blackcap song usually begins with scratchy notes that transform into a rich melody, whereas the Garden Warbler is a sustained rich warble.
Blackcap (April, Herts).

This more sustained song has a blackbird imitation (25s), and resolves at the end with the sweeter notes typical of Blackcap. I listen for these notes to separate the song from the similar Garden Warbler (May, Herts, 1979).

Garden Warbler (May, Essex)

(May, Herts, 1979).

This more extended version of the song was in close vicinity of a female (May, Essex).

The Whitethroat song is scratchy, and also often includes mimicry, especially in frequent short song flights, as at the beginning of this recording (May, Herts).

The Lesser Whitethroat song is a more simple trill, often introduced by a few scratchy notes (May, Herts, 1979).

The Grasshopper Warbler song is a continuous reeling sound and often heard at night. The intensity starts off subdued and then varies as the bird turns its head (May, Herts)

(May, Herts, 1979).

The Sedge Warbler song differs from the similar Reed Warbler song in its frequent changes in pace and greater degree of mimicry (May, Essex).

(June, Herts, 1979).

Reed Warbler (several together in Phragmites, May, Essex).

Cetti's Warbler has an explosive song uttered from a bird hidden in marsh vegetation. There is a usually a considerable time interval between phrases.
(6.00am, Apr, Suffolk)

(May, Essex).

Recordings from 1979 have been digitised from cassette tape.

1 comment:

  1. many thanks for this beautiful website, and for making all your research available to us,
