White-breasted Nuthatches sing two song types, "fast" and "slow".
fast song (Mar, PA).
slow song (Feb, PA).
Red-breasted Nuthatches are reported to have three song types, made up of notes that sound similar to the common nasal call notes but strung together in regular sequences: slow (courtship), fast (agonistic), and a third known as the vibratory (copulation) song.
Agonistic song (migrant, April, PA)
The vibratory song is usually heard near the nest-site, but in this case it was a non-breeding male in migration (Mar, PA).
At dawn, the Brown-headed Nuthatch monotonously repeats its squeaky duck call in a song-like pattern (with grackles flying overhead, April, NC).
Brown Creeper. The first note of the song is the same as the often heard call note. Each male has a single song.
(migrant, Mar, PA)
Breeding grounds (May, NJ).
(July, PA)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (breeding grounds, July, ME).
Ruby-crowned Kinglet. The song sung on territory is famously loud for such a small bird (July, ME)
A migrant, with mimicry of a chickadee at 20s. (Apr, PA).
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers have two song types, a simple or advertising song, and a quieter complex song. This is an example of the simple song, sung incessantly at dawn (May, NJ).
Note the variety in the phrases
During the day the song is less persistent (Apr, PA).
Complex song, sung from high in trees by a male that appeared to be single (Apr, PA).
BNA suggests that the complex and simple songs may be the equivalent of accented (to attract females) and unaccented (to maintain territory) songs in warblers.
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