Here the soft calls of a Least Bittern are just audible over the raucous Green Frogs and Bullfrogs (May, NJ).
A loud kaa-kaa-kaa is often heard later in the breeding season, especially early in the morning (July, NJ).

This call is also heard on the wintering grounds (Feb, FL)
Two birds ( with Virginia Rail and pig frog, Feb, FL)

This call preceded by a Green Heron-like sound (July, PA)

Blackbird-like chuck (July, PA).

Least Bittern nocturnal flight call (presumed, 4.06am, Oct, PA).

Another, croakier version (4.14am, mid-Sep, PA)

(3.24am, Aug, PA)

(5.48am, mid Sep, PA)

(5.24am, mid-Sep, PA)
Similar call by unseen bird in reeds (July, PA).

This is a juvenile Least Bittern, still with down on its head, that called almost continuously for the 45 minutes I watched it. Interestingly, it changed its call periodically. These are the 3 different calls I heard (July, NJ).

American Bittern flushed from marsh, flew a short distance (with Swamp Sparrow and American Crow, May, DE).

Bird calling immediately after landing in marsh, possible second bird replying (Feb, FL).
Bird flushed at close range (Sep, PA).
Presumed American Bittern calling in nocturnal flight (2.05am, Oct, PA).

(2.38am, Oct, PA)

(5.14am, Sep, PA)

Presumed American Bittern and Black-crowned Night-Heron calling together (2.04am, Apr, PA)
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