Recording was from 12.40am to sunrise, Elkins Park, PA. Winds were light westerly/southwesterly, perfect for migration. Call totals included 60 Veery, 40 Swainson's Thrush, 18 Rose-breasted Grosbeak and 2 Gray-cheeked Thrush. There were numerous warbler calls (including Common Yellowthroat, Canada, American Redstart, Northern Parula), a few sparrow (Savannah and White-throated), and 10 Bobolink. Both cuckoos were represented, 3 Black-billed and 6 Yellow-billed.
Female King/Clapper Rail at 2.00am. A really rare record for this location (I originally thought this was a Virginia Rail but it is too low for that species, M O'Brien pers. comm.).
Black-billed Cuckoo (2.03am)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (2.32am)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (3.46am)
Spotted Sandpiper (with Canada Warbler, 3.09 am)
Green Heron, presumably two birds with different calls (1.55 am)
This call is a good match for Wilson's Warbler (3.30am).
Birds of the World Online previously The Birds of North America Online (BNA). Comprehensive information on all aspects of life history, including audio and video. By subscription.
Birdsong by the Seasons. Donald Kroodsma, Houghton Mifflin, 2009. Another great book with CDs from Dr Kroodsma.
Flight Calls of Migratory Birds WR Evans and M O'Brien. CD-ROM Excellent source of information on flight calls
Nature's Music, The Science of Birdsong. Peter Marler and Hans Slabbekoorn. Elsevier Academic press. 2004. A treasure trove of information, advanced but very readable (comes with CD).
Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Eastern North America. Nathan Pieplow, 2017. Highly recommended, includes almost all known vocalizations of eastern US birds, with spectrograms and detailed analysis. Excellent!
Stokes Field Guide to Bird Song, Eastern Region, by Lang Elliot. 3 CDs. Of commercial recordings, this has the most comprehensive collection of songs and calls.
The Singing Life of Birds. Donald Kroodsma, Houghton Mifflin, 2005. Terrific book (plus CD), a must read.
The Songs of Wildbirds. Lang Elliott., Houghton Mifflin, 2005. Excellent photos with high quality recordings including some rare ones such as the flight song of the Western Meadowlark.
The Sound Approach to Birding. A guide to understanding bird sound. A. van de Berg, M Constantine, M. Robb. Superb discussion of bird calls and song with 2 CDs.
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