Wednesday, July 1

Robin, Nightingale, Redstart and Wheatears

The Robin has a somewhat melancholy song (Apr, Herts).

First three phrases:

Two Robins singing face to face with a high-pitched version of the song. These soft or whisper songs indicate a high level of aggression (Apr, Norfolk).

Here is a pair of Robins singing the full song in an aggressive situation, being in the same bush and chasing each other at times (Apr, Herts)

The famed Nightingale sings for only a short period of time, during May (May, Essex).

(May, Herts, 1979).

The first few phrases of the recording:

Redstart song (May, Gwynnedd).

Stonechat, singing in flight (June, Gwynnedd).

The female Robin gives a high begging call, "see", when off the nest, requesting food from the male (Apr, Norfolk).

Robin alarm call (Dec, Herts).

Robin whistle, the so-called hawk alarm. The call is ventriloquial, and often heard by agitated birds wanting to return to a nest (Apr, Herts).

The call may rise or fall (Dec, Herts).

Redstart calls (June, Suffolk). The huit call is remarkably similar to the Willow Warbler alarm call.

Stonechat alarm calls (June, Pembs).

Female Whinchat alarm calls (July, Cumbria).

Wheatear alarm calls (June, Pembs).

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