A bisyllabic version of the mew (Aug, NJ)

The mew becomes shorter with increased agitation, as when fledglings are nearby (July, PA).

cuck calls, used by less agitated birds (June, NJ)

A similar call is a very low blackbird-like chuck. Here one bird is using this call while the other makes the cuck call (July, PA).

The ratchet call is commonly heard, especially at dawn and by birds in flight (Sep, PA).

Repeated ratchet calls by a recently fledged bird (July, PA).
A squeaky call (June, NJ)
The twik call is commonly heard in summer and fall, often from birds hiding in vegetation, and can sound very similar to the Mourning Warbler chip.
(July, NJ)

(Sep, NJ)
(Sep, PA)
Distress call near nest in response to a Blue Jay (June, PA).

The contact or territorial calls of Northern Mockingbirds are heard especially at dawn and dusk in the fall. They are quite variable. (Oct, PA).

Two birds calling to one another (Jan, NJ).

Four birds interacting, with rapidly repeated calls (Oct, PA).

Northern Mockingbird alarm call (July, PA).

A series of calls, with mimicry, by an agitated bird (July, PA).

Repeated over a long period of time, this call mimicked Red-eyed Vireo (Aug, PA).

A goldfinch-like call given in flight during a chase involving two birds (Oct, PA)

The smacking call of the Brown Thrasher (July, PA).

Descending pee-or (adult with food near nest, May, PA).
(Sep, NJ).

Another thrasher call is a hoarse verr (several birds at dawn, Feb, DE, with Eastern Towhee).

Several calls together (Oct, PA)
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