Monday, January 31

Larks and Pipits

Meadow Pipit perched, incomplete song (June, Pembrokeshire).

In flight, full song

time scale reduced

Tree Pipit song, the last phrase being uttered during the song flight (June, Herts, 1979).

Perched then in flight at end (June, Pembs).

time scale reduced

Skylark, song delivered from perch (June, Pembs).

time scale reduced

In flight, full song (June, Pembs).

White Wagtail song (June, Pembs).

Meadow Pipit flight call (Dec, Herts)>

alarm call (June, Gwynnedd).

(June, Pembrokeshire).

Skylark call (May, Herts).

(June, Pembs)

bird carrying food

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